Welcome to New Joyful Possibilities

This is Where Your Journey Begins

Together we create a world we love!

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“There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music
in the spacing of the spheres






Hi I'm Susan I help support Spiritual Entrepreneurs to create what brings them their greatest joy through Angel Songs, Sound Therapy Meditations, Light Language, and consciousness tools. I have a big intention to see a new world we can love to be a part of, as we each do what brings us our greatest Joy!  Me? - I would love to see Sound Therapy Centers replace the need for mental health centers.

As a Certified Sound Therapist who has been teaching for over 33 years I create spaces for those who find me to transform and have lives they feel good about that contribute a positive energy to the world! With Sacred Geometry, Sound Therapy and Light language this happens fast! 


Hey there!

I'm Susan Reis
I hold the space for the creation of New Joyful Possibilities!


Your Life Can Transform, Let's awaken Your Power Within.

It is my Greatest Joy, divine calling and honor to help you create a life that you will Love – filled with Joyful Abundance!

You know you are here at this time – on this planet – in this Dimension to shine your magnificent light and have a special gift for the world.

Deep down inside you know this. And it’s time to shine your light- and light up our world. Let’s create a world we all would love to live in! Together we can and it is one person at a time- one spark at a time! As you light up your own life and shine- you light up our world!

With a gentle and loving approach, I connect to your Soul Team- Higer Guides/ Angels and multidimensional beings here to assist us, to bring you to new possibilities of Joyful Abundance. With a deep connection with the “higher self, your Angels and Higher Guides” I assist you in choosing more Joyful Abundance in your life and for our world

You will experience more joy as you choose what matters most to you. And you can bring a Joyful Energy and Blessing to the world and create New Joyful Possibilities

Together we Can Create a World that we would love to live in!

We are the ones we have been waiting for!


The enlightened Joyful Possibilities programs I share will take your life in the direction that brings you your greatest Joy!

Let's Create Together.

See My Offerings and Services.

Joyful Enlightened Sound Therapy Session

I connect with your Angels and Guides and a beautiful Song and Sound Therapy Activation is created just for you. With assistance from your Higher Self Divine Soul Team and Angels – a Blueprint for your Career is created that will allow you to begin to create Joyful Abundance and Create New Joyful Possibilities in Our World!

This session runs 40 minutesand is recorded. This is for someone who is just beginning to understand their intuitive gifts and for those who have been helping many and have questions as to how to help many more!


Get it here

Joyful Enlightened Miracles Program

 This is a 4-month Group Program to master your skills and create all you desire in a calm joyful playful way that allows you to have an impact in the world that brings you great Joy! 

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Creating Your Joyful Enlightened Millionairess Legacy Program

Private Sessions

This is customed to you to bring you Joy in all areas of your life and support the career that you will be Celebrating that you did what you came here to do and will leave your legacy of love here on our planet for generations to be grateful for!




Join our Earth Angels Meeting Space

Celebration Stories

Let Others Inspire You.

“Susan’s class was life changing. I feel like a whole new person. I feel whole, complete and at peace with who I am. It was simply amazing.”

– Mary J. Phillips, WI 

“I got the money I invested in your program back two times already!!!” 

After creating with Susan in the Enlightened Millionaire program an abundance of money came to me and

I was able to buy a quaint little home with a large back yard for all my flowers and my pets love it.

Susan helped move old energy and helped me step into the new vibration.

Thank you, Susan, for this amazing work you do with the angels.  

 Laura Joans
“I knew I had gifts but I needed a clearer vision of how I should use them. I was also fearful of trusting my intuition. Susan helped me find the truth, and to direct my abilities in the most loving and gentle manner.Since our session a couple of years ago, I have gone on to help others find their own truths and believe in themselves as I can now believe in myself. Thank you so much, Susan, for working with me and giving me the confidence to fulfill my purpose.” 

– Mary “Nuni” Learman

“After one light language session I had all the money I needed to have the life I truely desired”

“I was stuck with all kinds of family problems and after one light language session it all cleared up and I had all the money I needed  to begin to live the life I know I was here to live. This is amazing how fast and effective it is working with Susan and her gifts that are truly a gift to us all!”

–Sandy Adams

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Message me for a Sound Therapy Activation Gift!